Class status
Booking open until 16 May, 3:00pm
Friday, 3:00 - 4:00pm
4 Apr - 16 May
Cancellation policy
You can drop up to 30 min before your first lesson only
7 lessons × 60 min.
Class occupancy
11/15 students
Middle School (11-14 years)
Delivered in

This course provides a foundation in the physiology of human organ systems and introduces students to the biomedical risks and human adaptations associated with space travel, as well as the medical equipment available to crew members in space


Student account
Already have an account? Then please sign in.
If you are booking for several children
If you need several student accounts you don't have to use different email addresses. Once you sign up open Settings and add another account - you'll be able to easily switch between them and won't need another email address.

Which languages are most convenient for you and your child to communicate in?
Якими мовами вам і вашій дитині найзручніше спілкуватися?
На каких языках вам и вашему ребенку удобнее общаться?
English / Ukrainian / Russian

What time zone are you in?
У якому часовому поясі ви знаходитесь?
В каком часовом поясе вы находитесь?

In a few sentences please tell us about:

- What is your current situation
- Which subjects are most interesting to you?
- Do you have any specific problems related to education?

У кількох реченнях розкажіть нам про:
- Яка ваша поточна ситуація
- Які предмети тобі найцікавіші?
- Чи є у вас якісь конкретні проблеми, пов’язані з навчанням?

В нескольких предложениях расскажите о:
- Какова ваша текущая ситуация
- Какие предметы вам наиболее интересны?
- Есть ли у вас какие-то конкретные проблемы, связанные с образованием?

What makes this course of particular interest to you?
Що робить цей курс особливо цікавим для вас?
Что делает этот курс особенно интересным для вас?

Telephone number, Telegram @, WhatsApp number, etc
Номер телефону, Telegram @, номер WhatsApp тощо
Номер телефона, Telegram @, номер WhatsApp и т. д.

  • 4 Apr, 3:00pm
  • 11 Apr, 3:00pm
  • 18 Apr, 3:00pm
  • 25 Apr, 3:00pm
  • 2 May, 3:00pm
  • 9 May, 3:00pm
  • 16 May, 3:00pm